
I'm Really Anxious About My Upcoming Dental Procedure

Jul 25, 2024
I'm Really Anxious About My Upcoming Dental Procedure
If you're anxious about an upcoming dental procedure, know you're not alone. Here’s how to manage it and what you can do to get your dental work done.

Dental anxiety affects many people; whether it's the thought of the dentist's chair, the sound of the drill, or just a general fear of the unknown, dental procedures can cause significant stress. If you're anxious about an upcoming dental procedure, know you're not alone. 

The compassionate team at TLN Family Dental in Houston and Pearland, Texas, helps individuals with dental anxiety feel comfortable and safe throughout their dental appointments. 

Causes of dental anxiety

Many people experience dental anxiety, and it's nothing to be ashamed of. Understanding the root of your anxiety can be the first step in overcoming it. Common reasons for dental anxiety include fear of pain, past negative experiences, feelings of helplessness, or embarrassment about dental health.

Communicate with your dentist

Communicating openly with your dentist is one of the most effective ways to manage dental anxiety. Let them know about your fears and concerns. Our compassionate dentists take the time to explain the procedure, answer your questions, and provide reassurance. Knowing what to expect can significantly reduce anxiety.

Techniques to calm your mind

Several techniques can help you calm your mind before and during your dental procedure. Deep breathing exercises, for example, can help you relax. Try inhaling deeply through your nose, holding your breath for a few seconds, and then slowly exhaling through your mouth. This can help slow your heart rate and promote a sense of calm.

Visualization is another powerful tool. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a peaceful, relaxing place. It could be a beach, a forest, or any location that makes you feel calm and happy. Focus on this place's sights, sounds, and smells to distract yourself from the dental procedure.

Consider sedation dentistry

If your anxiety is severe, you might want to discuss sedation dentistry. Sedation dentistry involves using medication to help you relax during the procedure. There are different levels of sedation, ranging from mild sedation (where you're awake but relaxed) to general anesthesia (where you're completely asleep). 

We can help you decide which option is best for you based on your level of anxiety and the complexity of the procedure.

Bring a support person

Sometimes, having a friend or family member with you during dental appointments can make a big difference. A support person can provide comfort and distraction, making the experience less stressful. They can also help you remember any post-procedure instructions the dentist gives, which can be especially helpful if you're overwhelmed.

Practice good oral hygiene

One way to reduce dental anxiety is to take good care of your teeth and gums. By maintaining good oral hygiene, you can minimize the likelihood of needing extensive dental work. Brush and floss regularly, and visit your dentist for routine checkups. 

When you do need a procedure, knowing that you've been proactive about your dental health can help alleviate some of the anxiety.

Practice self-care before your appointment 

In the days leading up to your dental appointment, take extra care of yourself. Get plenty of rest, eat a balanced diet, and avoid caffeine and sugar, which can increase anxiety. On the day of your appointment, wear comfortable clothing and bring any items that help you feel calm, such as a stress ball or your favorite music and headphones.

Positive reinforcement

Finally, use positive reinforcement to help manage your anxiety. Reward yourself after the procedure with something you enjoy. It could be a favorite meal, a movie, or a small treat. Having something to look forward to can make the experience more bearable.

Talk to us about sedation dentistry

If you’re anxious about an upcoming dental procedure, we invite you to ask us about sedation dentistry options.  We’ll work through your concerns and determine if sedation dentistry is the right option to help ease your dental anxiety for your dental procedure. Call the office or schedule an appointment online today.